Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to Liam. Wow it's been a year already, that can't be right, seriously? It's been one crazy, exciting, busy, joyous year. Liam is so stinking cute. He is the the man around here, he has the attention of 3 adults all day long. And boy does he eat up all that attention! He is walking, well really running, his poor little body is covered in bruises, but he just gets up and keeps on going. He is so full of energy it takes all 3 of us to keep up with him and we are exhausted at the end of the day.

Liam is getting so big! At his 12 month doctors appointment he weighed in at 19lbs and he is 30 inches tall, so long and skinny. Wonder how that happened! He is cutting his 6th tooth and he knows how to use them, the boy loves to eat. He is so good about them to no fevers or fussiness when they come through.

We has a great St. Patrick's Day this year, I got up and ran my first 5k with my big sister. Liam came to watch with Grammy and Papa. Then we came home to get ready for the big party! It was alot of fun celebrating with some friends and family. Liam had a good time, he wasn't really sure of what was going on but there was lots of people and that is always fun for him. He is a social little fella.

I look forward to this year. I will be graduating in 1 month YES! So hopefully after passing the board exam I will be able to find a good job and spend more time watching my precious baby grow up. He is so much fun I hate missing a minute of his day. God has truly blessed me with an amazing gift.

Monday, January 9, 2012

1st Christmas and 1st ER Trip!

 Our First Christmas... We had a great Christmas together with family. Liam wasn't quite sure what to do, but he got lots of help from his cousin Mia. The paper was a hit but he also enjoyed his toys. He got quite a few visits from Santa since my Dad dresses up as Santa for parties every year. By the 3rd visit Liam didn't cry and even sat on his lap for a picture. But it was a great holiday season for both of us. I am so thankful he is in my life, He is such a joy and brings a real meaning to love. And  a small picture of what God's love for us must look like.

 First trip to the ER. It's been a crazy last few days. Liam spiked a fever Saturday afternoon of 102.9 it went down quickly with some Advil. He had a low grade fever the rest of the evening. I gave him medicine and put him to bed, but he woke up around 230am and his fever had spiked to 104 and climbing. It was pretty scary, I woke my mom up and we went on our way to Children's ER. Six and a half hours later, two attemps at drawing blood, a chest xray, two shots and a night full of no sleep for the three of us. We were sent home with what seemed to be a bacterial infection. His fever has continued, some times spiking to 103 through out the day yesterday and some today. We went to the doctor today and he believes it is a virus. Liam seems to be doing much better, he is crawling around playing and getting into trouble as usual. Hopefully we are on the up end of this crazy bug. It's no fun watching my usually happy, crazy baby be so sad and pitiful. I did get to enjoy lots of cuddle time with him, but I can live with never going through that again!